Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Pleasant St.

Last week was a high mileage week which I was really happy with, but I would be lying if I said running never feels like a chore. It doesn’t feel like that often, but as soon as my training becomes more prescriptive, I become a little more resistant.  What I love most about running is that for the most part I do it, when I want, where I want and for how long I want.
However, the prescriptive part is somewhat necessary in order to meet a specific goal, like qualifying for Boston. So I embrace it...
This acknowledgment does not imply that sometimes I don't have to trick myself with little mind games just to get out the door!

Perfect street crossing on my run home
Wednesdays are scheduled as my easy run days. I have struggled to get this run in consistently. I am conflicted - My body is saying “you just had a workout last night and you’re gonna have another one tomorrow…easy runs can just as easily be replaced by no run!”  My mind on the other hand knows that any run is worthwhile and sometimes the ones on tired legs can often be some of the best for marathon training.  With this Battle Royale going on between my body and mind I compromised and decided to strap on my pack and cruise home. 

I run home pretty regularly - it is a quick little jaunt that gets me from downtown to my doorstep in 22 minutes.  Not this day, as I decided to tuck my watch away and take out my smart phone to capture some of the sights I blindly cruise by so often.

There is beauty in the most ordinary things and sometimes all it takes is a different perspective to appreciate it. I found a new organic café and deli, a rugged graffiti wall and a picture perfect trestle all while being treated to the crisp, sweet smell of dusk. 

I stopped whenever I wanted to look back upon the path I had just traveled. I am still amazed at the distance we can cover by foot. Looking back provided plenty of opportunity for reflection. And as I climbed up over the Gorge Waterway and turned to head home I stopped one last time, took out my camera and was ready to snap a photo of a gorgeous runner heading out for her own adventure when I realized it was one of my dearest running partners, Jani!   What a perfect way to end my run…had I not taken the time to slow down and look back I would have missed her completely. We chatted for a minute, she posed for a picture and then we headed off into the setting sun.

Running will feed your soul for life if you let it.  


TO DATE: $3524.00

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